Terlebih dahulu, saya Farmiezie Morni ingin
merakamkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pensyarah saya, En Wright anak Asui
kerana telah mengajar saya terutamanya cara-cara penyengaraan kenderaan.
Sepanjang tempoh menyiapkan kerja kursus ini, banyak ilmu yang telah dicurahkan
oleh beliau seperti merombak, memeriksa, menguji, melaras, memasang
komponen-komponen kenderaan dan sebagainya.
Tidak lupa juga saya tujukan penghargaan
ini kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa saya kerana telah banyak membantu saya dari segi
kewangan dan dorongan yang amat berguna kepada saya sepanjang masa saya untuk
menyiapkan kerja kursus ini.
Semoga kerja kursus ini dapat dijadikan
rujukan dan panduan kepada mana-mana mahasiswa yang ingin merujuk bahan saya
pada masa akan datang. Mohon maaf sekiranya terdapat sebarang kekurangan dalam
kerja kursus ini.
Akhir kata, saya berasa amat bersyukur
kerana saya telah menyiapkan karja kursus ini sebelum masa yang ditetapkan
untuk menghantar kerja kursus ini. Sesungguhnya yang baik itu datang daripada
Tuhan, manakala yang lemah itu atas kelemahan kita sebagai insani.
Sekian, terima kasih.
penghawa dingin kereta berfungsi menggunakan gas
yang dimampatkan oleh kompresor. Gas ini akan mengalir melalui cooling
coil yang berada di dalam kabin kereta dan blower akan meniup angin
melalui cooling coil ini dan mengeluarkan angin yang sejuk. Selepas itu
gas ini perlu disejukkan kembali dan akan melalui radiator kondenser yang
akan menyejukkan gas tersebut. Begitulah secara asasnya bagaimana
penghawa dingin kereta berfungsi.
Air Conditioning
In order to understand how air conditioning works, it
is necessary to understand several basic laws about the flow of heat. While it
may seem puzzling to talk about heat in the same breath as air conditioning,
heat is your only concern. An air conditioner does not cool the air, but
rather, removes the heat from a confined space.
The law of entropy states that all things must
eventually come to the same temperature; there will always be a flow of heat
between adjacent objects that are at different temperatures. When two objects
at different temperatures are placed next to each other, heat will flow from
the warmer of the two objects to the cooler one. The rate at which heat is
transferred depends on how large the difference is between their temperatures.
If the temperature difference is great, the transfer of heat will be great, and
if the temperature difference lessens, the transfer of heat will be reduced
until both objects reach the same temperature. At that point, heat transfer
Because of entropy, the interior of an automobile
tends to remain at approximately the same temperature as the outside air. To
cool an automobile interior, you have to reverse the natural flow of heat, no
matter how thoroughly insulated the compartment might be. The heat which the
body metal and glass absorb from the outside must constantly be removed.
The refrigeration cycle of the air conditioning system
removes the heat from a vehicle's interior by making use of another law of heat
flow, the theory of latent heat. This theory says that during a change of
state, a material can absorb or reject heat without changing its temperature. A
material is changing its state when it is freezing, thawing, boiling or
condensing. Changes of state differ from ordinary heating and cooling in that
they occur without the temperature of the substance changing, although they
cause a visible change in the form of the substance. While many materials can
exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous form, the best example is plain water.
Water is a common material that can exist in all three
states. Below 32°F (0°C), it exists as ice. Above 212°F (100°C), at sea level
air pressure, it exists as steam, which is a gas. Between these two
temperatures, it exists in its liquid form.
Since a change in state occurs at a constant
temperature, it follows that a material can exist as both a liquid and a gas at
the same temperature without any exchange of heat between the two states. As an
example, when water boils, it absorbs heat without changing the temperature of
the resulting gas (steam).
The change from a solid to a liquid and vice versa is
always practically the same for a given substance-32°F (0°C) for water-but the
temperature at which a liquid will boil or condense depends upon the pressure.
For example, water will boil at 212°F (100°C), but only at sea level. The
boiling point drops slightly at higher altitudes, where the atmospheric
pressure is lower. We also know that raising the pressure 15 lbs. above normal
air pressure in an automobile cooling system will keep the water from boiling
until the temperature reaches about 260°F (127°C)
One additional aspect of the behavior of a liquid at
its boiling point must be clarified to understand how a refrigeration cycle
works. Since liquid and gas can exist at the same temperature, either the
evaporation of liquid or the condensation of gas can occur at the same
temperature and pressure conditions. It's just a matter of whether the material
is being heated or cooled.
As an example, when a pan of water is placed on a hot
stove, the heat travels from the hot burner to the relatively cool pan and
water. When the water reaches it's boiling point, its temperature will stop
rising, and all the additional heat forced into it by the hot burner will be
used to turn the liquid material into a gas (steam). The gas thus contains
slightly more heat than the liquid material.
If the top of the pan were now to be held a couple of
inches above the boiling water, two things would happen. First, droplets of
liquid would form on the lower surface of the lid. Second, the top would get
hot very quickly. The top becomes hot because the heat originally used to turn
the water into steam is being recovered. As the vapor encounters the cooler
surface of the metal, heat is removed from it and transferred to the metal.
This heat is the same heat that was originally required to change the water
into a vapor, and so it again becomes a liquid.
Since water will boil only at 212°F (100°C) and above,
it follows that the steam must have been 212°F (100°C) when it reached the top
and must have remained that hot until it became a liquid. The cooling effect of
the top (which started out at room temperature) caused the steam to condense,
but both the boiling and the condensation took place at the same temperature.
To sum up, refrigeration is the removal of heat from a
confined space and is based on three assumptions:
1. Heat will
only flow from a warm substance to a colder substance.
2. A
refrigerant can exist as both a liquid and a gas at the same temperature if it
is at its "boiling point." A refrigerant at its boiling point will
boil and absorb heat from its surroundings if the surroundings are warmer than
the refrigerant. A refrigerant at its boiling point will condense and become
liquid, losing heat to its surroundings, if they are cooler than the
3. The boiling
point of the refrigerant depends upon the pressure of the refrigerant, rising
as the pressure rises and falling as the pressure falls. The operation of the
refrigeration cycle illustrates how these three laws are put to use.
Fig. 1: The same substances can exist in three states,
depending on the temperature
How the Air
Conditioner Works
Any automotive air conditioning system employs four
basic parts-a mechanical compressor, driven by the vehicle's engine; an
expansion valve, which is a restriction the compressor pumps against; and two
heat exchangers, the evaporator and the condenser. In addition, there is the
refrigerant that flows through this system.
The belt-driven compressor uses engine power to
compress and circulate the refrigerant gas throughout the system. The
refrigerant passes through the condenser on its way from the compressor outlet
to the expansion valve. The condenser is located outside the passenger
compartment, usually in front of the vehicle's radiator. The refrigerant passes
from the expansion valve to the evaporator, and after passing through the
evaporator tubing, it is returned to the compressor through its inlet. The
evaporator is located inside the vehicle's passenger compartment.
When the compressor starts running, it pulls
refrigerant from the evaporator coil and forces it into the condenser coil,
thus lowering the evaporator pressure and increasing the condenser pressure.
When proper operating pressures have been established, the expansion valve will
open and allow refrigerant to return to the evaporator as fast as the
compressor is removing it. Under these conditions, the pressure at each point
in the system will reach a constant level, but the condenser pressure will be
much higher than the evaporator pressure.
The pressure in the evaporator is low enough for the
boiling point of the refrigerant to be well below the temperature of the
vehicle's interior. Therefore, the liquid will boil, remove heat from the
interior, and pass from the evaporator as a gas. The heating effect produced as
the refrigerant passes through the compressor keeps the gas from liquefying and
causes it to be discharged from the compressor at very high temperatures. This
hot gas passes into the condenser. The pressure on this side of the system is
high enough so that the boiling point of the refrigerant is well beyond the
outside temperature. The gas will cool until it reaches its boiling point, and
then condense to a liquid as heat is absorbed by the outside air. The liquid
refrigerant is then forced back through the expansion valve by the condenser
Fig. 1: Basic components of an air conditioning system and the flow of
A liquid with a low boiling point must be used to make
practical use of the heat transfer that occurs when a liquid boils.
Refrigerant-12 (R-12) is the refrigerant that was universally used in
automotive air conditioning systems. At normal temperatures, it is a colorless,
odorless gas that is slightly heavier than air. Its boiling point at
atmospheric pressure is -21.7°F (minus 6°C). If liquid R-12 is spilled into the
open air, it would be seen for a brief period as a rapidly boiling, clear
R-12 was nearly an ideal refrigerant. It operated at
low pressure and condenses easily at the temperature ranges found in automotive
air conditioning systems. It is also non-corrosive, non-toxic (except when
exposed to an open flame), and nonflammable. However, due to its low boiling
point and the fact that it is stored under pressure, certain safety measures
must be observed when working around the air conditioning system. Unfortunately
it was discovered the carbo-floro-carbons (CFC's) which were chemicals in the
same group as dichlorodifluoromenthane, which you know as R-12 or Freon were
depleting the ozone layer of the atmosphere.
The function of each part of Absorbtion Refrigeration
In simple absorbtion system,
used part are shown in Figure. These are mainly evaporator, absorber, compressor
and condensor. In complex system to improve the performance and high efficiency
of the plant, a heat exchager, an analyzer anc rectifier are used. The other
part of expansion valve, pressure reducing valve and pump ae also fitted.
Evaporator and absorber are
used in the side of low pressure side but compressor and condensor are used in
the side of the high pressure side. The pressure of low side is according to
the temperture of evaporator and high side pressure is according to the
condensing temperature.
The Part Of Air Conditioning
-The part of
automobile air onditoning consist of these 10 item:
1) Compressor
2) Condensor
3) Analyzer and
4) Expansion valve
5) Evaporator
6) Receiver
7) Absorber
8) Heat exchanger
9) Pump
10) Liquid pre-cooler
-All these parts are
played a very inportant role in Car, Zeep, trucks, bus, van good courier who
transport milk-ice cream an so many other eatible thing. Modern world without
A.C and heating cannot be run smoothly. So both systems ar e run side by side
in automobile industry. According to the weather, each system have a play good
efficient role.
Function Of all Air
Conditoning the Part
The function of each
part are described below:
Commonly referred to
as the heart os the system,the compressor is the belt driven pump that is
fastened to the engine.It is responsible for compressing and transferring
refrigerant gas.The A.C system is split into two sides,a high pressure side and
a low pressure side;defined as discharge and suction.Since the compressor is
basiccally a pump;it must have an intake side and a discharge side.The
intake,or suction side,drawsa in refrigerant gas from the outlet of the
evaorator.In some cases it doe this via the accumulator.Once the refrigerant is
drawn itto the suction side,it is compressed and sent to the ondensor,where it
can then transfer the heat that is absorbed from the inside of the vihicle.
This is the area in
which heat dissipation occurs. The condensor,in many cases,will have much the
same appearence as the radiator in ypur car as the two have very similar
functions.The condensor is designed to radiated heat.Its location is usually in
front of the radiator,but in the same cases,due to aerodynamic inprovements to
the body of the vehicle;it locations may differ.Condensor must have good air
flow airtime in the system is in
operation.On rear wheel drive vehicles,thiis usually accomplished by taking
advantage of your engines cooling fan.On front wheels drive vehicles,condensors
arir flow is suplemented with one or more electric cooling fans.As hot
compressed gasses are introduced into the top the condensor,they are cooled
off.As the gas cools,it condenses and exits the bottom od the condensor as a
high pressure liquid.
3.Analyzer and rectifier:
They are used to function as an automatic flow
control system.They control the flow of the refrigerant into the condensor and
stores the liquid refrigerant in a reservoir incorporated into the condensor.
It is used to reduce
the pressure of ammonia liquid.It is placed bettween evaporator and receiver
but in some equipments it is placed bettween condensor and evaporator.In some
equipments the expansion vave is removed and used hydrogen gas which is called
flasg gas,for reducing the pressure of ammonia refrigerant.
This is called the
Brine Cooler,in which there is a welded cylinder shaped steel-spot.There are
many tubes on its top in which the refrigerant liquid gets transformed into
vapour owing to less pressure.Under reduced pressure pure ammonia enters in the
evaporator and evaporates by taking the latent heat fom adjoinings.In this way
it produces cooling.After that,it flows toward the absorber.
This storage tank for
the refrigerant which is placed bettween condensor and expansion valve.This is
filled with liquid ammonia under the high pressure.
The absorber is the
cylinderical vessel or shell in which the vapour of ammonia is lead as it comes
from the refrigeration coils and where it is mixed with the weak liquid which
comes from the lower part of the generator.It may be of the shell and
coil.straight tube,double pipe or atmospheric type.This is used for condensing
the refrigerant vapour at low pressure.Due to this the weak solution gets
transfromed into strn solution and the vapuor pressure of amonia becomes less
that of the solution.
Following are the
main functions of it:
Weak solution changes into
strong solution.
The latent heat of
condesation increases with the temperature of solution.
The heat of water mixture
increases the temperature of the solution.
Vapour pressure of ammonia
reduced the pressure of the solution.
cooling water used in the absorber is to remove the heat of condensation and
water mixture.the quatity of ammonia increased to be reduced absorber
temperature which goes in solution.The vapour pressure of solution is reduced
that pressure from ammonia vapuor in evaporator while pressure of both ambient
pressure are equal bywhich stream is absorber from evaporator.Thus the
absorbtion function is established abd the steam of refrogreant by the
system.Removed heat increase haste in absorber by which absorbtions maintains
temperature.The rate of flowing isincreased in evaporator and it increase
refrigerating capacity.Therefore this is useful for cooling water of least
temperature absorber.
than other tubing would although we think that most any tubing could work in a pinch.cost to remodel bathroom